B.ED ADMISSION OPEN 2025-27 SESSION FROM MDU/CRSU/KUK HARYANA, JIWAJI MP | NIOS Online Admission 2025-2026 For Class 10th / 12th
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The full form of A.N.M is Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery in Nursing. It is a Medical Nursing diploma course. The course duration of A.N.M is 2 years including 6 months of internship. The focal point of the course is the healthcare profession emphasising on individuals, families, and communities to help them attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life from conception to death. The curriculum of the A.N.M course is designed to give due emphasis on:

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Health Promotion
  • Child Health Nursing
  • Health Centre Management
  • Midwifery

The A.N.M Nursing course may also be available on a part-time basis in certain institutes. The basic A.N.M Nursing course eligibility criteria mandates the aspirant to pass senior secondary school certificate examination (10+2), 10th class or Central Board of Secondary Education or recognised equivalent public examination.

Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery [A.N.M] is a Medical Nursing diploma course. A.N.M course comes up with a duration of 2 years, which is divided into 1½ years of teaching and 6 months of internship. Nursing is an integral part of the healthcare sector. Nurses play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of different types of health organizations (hospitals, dispensaries, NGOs etc).

The course focuses on care, rehabilitation or treatment of patients. The main objectives of the A.N.M course syllabus are the prevention of diseases, rehabilitation and maintaining the good health of patients and/or the general public. Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery in Nursing course trains students and make them capable of working as basic health workers.

Why Choose ANM?

Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery [A.N.M] in Nursing degree course enables the students to opt for various nursing, midwifery and related other medical jobs in hospitals. A.N.M course is a job-oriented course, using which, 12th standard passed students may enter the field of nursing. There are a large variety of A.N.M jobs which are potentially lucrative and noble simultaneously in both the private and public sector. One can opt for the higher degree programs in respective subjects, e.g. Bachelors' degree, etc.

A highly perspective job opportunity for diploma holders of A.N.M is military nursing, in which the aspirant is required to nurse the members of the armed forces. Candidates can also opt to pursue a career as a psychiatric nurse, where they work with patients suffering from emotional and psychological distress. Nursing such patients require a great deal of patience and perseverance and comforting.

After completing Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery in Nursing course and getting registered with a State Nurse Registration Council, one can pursue GNM [General Nursing and Midwifery] course. Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery in Nursing diploma course offers the candidates diverse job profiles. such as:

  • Community Health Worker
  • Home Nurse
  • Health Visitor
  • Basic Health Worker
  • Rural Health Worker etc.

ANM Subjects:

The subjects pursued in the curriculum of the Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery [A.N.M] course are enlisted below. While the subject composition may vary minorly from college to college, the crux of the subject composition is maintained as constant throughout most colleges in the nation.

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Health Promotion
  • Primary Healthcare Nursing
  • Child Health Nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Health Centre Management

ANM Course Fees:

The average course fees for the Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery [A.N.M] course in India ranges from INR 10,000 to INR 60,000 per annum. While this amount may vary from college to college depending on the prestige and infrastructure of the college, government and management quota also results in deviations of this valuation.

ANM Course Syllabus:

The course syllabus which is pursued in the Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery [A.N.M] curriculum is tabulated below. The core of the curriculum is maintained throughout in most colleges across the nation but there are minor variations in the curricula in some colleges.

Sl. No. A.N.M Nursing Syllabus - Year 1
1 Community Health Nursing
2 Health Promotion
3 Primary Healthcare Nursing I (Prevention of diseases and restoration of health)
4 Child Health Nursing
Sl. No. A.N.M Nursing Syllabus - Year 2
1 Midwifery
2 Health Centre Management