B.ED ADMISSION OPEN 2025-27 SESSION FROM MDU/CRSU/KUK HARYANA, JIWAJI MP | NIOS Online Admission 2025-2026 For Class 10th / 12th
Delhi, Patna, Muzaffarpur Mon – Sun: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

JBT Admission

Diploma in Education (D.Ed) is a 2 year course for the elementary stage of education i.e. l to Vlll standards. This program is known with different nomenclatures such as JBT, BTC, D.Ed and D.El.Ed. National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) issues norms and standards across the state for teacher education. NCTE has directed to refer this course as the 'Diploma in Elementary Education' (D.El.Ed).

In India, it is the fundamental right of a child to gain free and compulsory elementary education (6-14years). Objective of elementary education is to bridge social gaps, to develop gender equality and to make children capable of leading life with skills of communication, literacy and knowledge to understand the social world around. D.Ed is particularly designed with the aim to prepare teachers who can teach students of elementary education.

Eligibility for D.Ed / JBT:

Senior Secondary with 50 percent minimum marks and five subjects including English as one of them, qualified candidates can apply for D.Ed / JBT.

5 percent relaxation to SC / ST candidates of Haryana state only (if applying for Haryana Board).

Matriculation must be done with Hindi or Sanskrit subject.

D.Ed / JBT Admission Process:

Admission process is carried out through counseling procedure based on merit (marks obtained in senior secondary) every academic year. For more information on the program, you may contact us for free consultation or get yourself registered, our experts will get back to you soon.