B.ED ADMISSION OPEN 2025-27 SESSION FROM MDU/CRSU/KUK HARYANA, JIWAJI MP | NIOS Online Admission 2025-2026 For Class 10th / 12th
Delhi, Patna, Muzaffarpur Mon – Sun: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM


The PGDIRL provides a thorough grounding in the field of intellectual property law, including areas such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, the programme also covers emerging issues such as the ownership and licensing of new media content, internet streaming, technology and software, and pharmaceutical patenting and commercialisation. Graduates from the programme are equipped for leadership positions in the media, entertainment, pharmaceutical, software, and other technology-centred industries, as well as in traditional businesses that leverage IPR, such as FMCG and engineering conglomerates.

The PDDIRL has been provided continuously since 2003.

Programme Highlights:

  • Understand various aspects of intellectual property law, such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, designs, geographical indicators, and service marks.
  • Gain expertise in IPR licensing and assignment and understand how IPR portfolios can be protected and commercialised.
  • Understand the impact of international and local IPR laws on the rights of traditional communities and biodiversity.
  • Equips graduates for decision-making and leadership positions in any industry that leverages IPR, including new media, technology, and brand promotion.
  • Spread over a year, the programme employs NLSIU’s pioneering hybrid learning format, with materials specially crafted for distance learning. Permit learner flexibility and customisation.


Paper I - Introduction to Law & Legal Systems

This paper introduces the student to legal thinking and reasoning, and to legal systems, with a particular focus on Indian law and the Indian legal system. Those students who are from a non-law background would find this course particularly helpful.

Paper II - Law of Patents

This paper consists of the following modules:

Module I: Patent System: An Overview
Module II: Patentability
Module III: Patent/Prior Art Search
Module IV: Drafting a Patent Specification
Module V: Patent Procedure in India
Module VI: Patent Cooperation Treaty
Module VII: Patent Infringement

Paper III - Law of Copyrights and Designs

This paper consists of the following modules:

Module I: Introduction to Copyright Law
Module II: International Conventions relating to Copyright L
Module III: Core Principles: Idea-Expression Dichotomy, Originality and
Fixation Under Copyright Law
Module IV: Original Literary, Dramatic, Musical and Artistic works, Sound Recording and Cinematograph Films
Module V: Authorship, Ownership, Transfer of Rights and Registration of Copyright
Module VI: Rights of Copyright Owner under Copyright Law
Module VII: Infringement of Copyright, Fair Use-Fair Dealing & Secondary Liability
Module VIII: Limitations on the Right of the Copyright Owner Fair Use-Fair Dealing as a Defense under Copyright Law
Module IX: Technological Protection Measures: anti-circumvention laws, the safe harbour for Intermediaries
Module X: Copyright Board and Copyright Societies
Module XI: Performer’s Rights and Broadcast Reproduction Rights
Module XII: Compulsory and Statutory Licensing of Copyright
Module XIII: Remedies: Civil, Criminal and Administrative
Module XIV: Law of Designs

Paper IV - Law of Trademarks and Geographical Indications

This paper consists of the following modules:

Module I: Principles of Trademark
Module II: Procedure for Obtaining Registration of Trademark
Module III: Rights of the Owner of Trademarks
Module IV: Infringement of Trademark and Action for Passing Off
Module V: Domain Name Protection
Module VI: Protection of Geographical Indication

Paper V - Dissertation

A list of dissertation topics will be provided to students in the hand book sent to them along with course study materials. These topics are suggestive, and students could improvise on the suggested topics, or formulate a new topic.



For Indian Nationals

Regular Fees
Application fees Rs. 1,500
Admission fees Rs. 2,500
Course fees Rs. 30,200
Total fees Rs. 34,200


Printed study material Rs. 2,500


Other fees
Admission late fee Rs. 500
Examination fee Rs. 500 per paper
Examination late fee Rs. 300 per application
Continuation fee Rs. 2,500 per year
Extension fee Rs. 5,000 per year
Re-evaluation fees Rs. 800 per paper

For Foreign Nationals

Regular fees
Application fees Rs. 1,500
Admission fees Rs. 2,500
Course fees Rs. 113,950
Total fees Rs. 117,950