B.ED ADMISSION OPEN 2025-27 SESSION FROM MDU/CRSU/KUK HARYANA, JIWAJI MP | NIOS Online Admission 2025-2026 For Class 10th / 12th
Delhi, Patna, Muzaffarpur Mon – Sun: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM


Food safety is a fundamental public health concern. The food safety and quality has become an area of priority and necessity for consumers, retailers, manufactures and regulators. Changing global patterns of food production, international trade, technology, public expectations for health protection and many other factors have created a huge demand for food safety and quality auditing professionals.

The P.G Diploma programme is intended to prepare graduate students, food scientists, food engineers, microbiologists and others with appropriate scientific backgrounds for active job opportunities in food safety and quality assurance, monitoring and certification process in the food industry and in the Government. The course provides an outline of State-Of-Art theoretical information and practical experience, directly and indirectly related to a better understanding of food safety problems, their origin and solutions. The program is framed for providing knowledge and know-how of local importance and global significance to the students.

This programme is expected to meet the increasing human resource requirements for food safety and quality management professionals in the agriculture and food sectors.

The core objective of the PG diploma programme is to prepare professionals for development and implementation of food Safety and Quality Management Systems in the country, to increase employability and to bridge the gap between the industry and academia.

It seeks to develop India’s capability to meet the Global food safety and quality requirements and enhance the competitiveness of food products. In long term perspective, it would contribute to ensure consumer safety within and outside the country.

The PG programme shall enable the students to:

  • Comprehend the issues of safety and quality in food production, handling and processing.
  • Build technical proficiency in undertaking food safety and quality assurance in food processing.
  • Ensure the safety and quality of food products as per mandatory legal requirements
Name of the Module and Details Lectures
Module No. 1: Food Safety Basics: 10

History of food regulations in India. Legislations-Prevention of Food Adulteration acts in various foods (National and International)


Food Sanitation: definition and regulation of food sanitation, sources of contamination, personal hygiene-food handlers, cleaning compounds, sanitation methods.


Food adulterants: common adulterants, simple tests for detection of adulteration. Food additives:- classification, functional role and safety issues, types of adulteration and recent trends in food adulteration.


Study of effluent generated from food industries &  treatment procedures for safe disposal in the environment

Module No. 2: Introduction to food Science 15
1. Types of foods – Foods of Plant origin: Grains and cereals, fruits and vegetables.


Foods of Animal origin: meat and poultry products, milk and milk products


Classification of foods : based on the shelf life, Fermented foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, Processed foods, Nutraceuticals, functional foods, dehydrated foods, ready to eat foods, organic foods, ethnic foods, Pre and Probiotics in fermented foods and beverages ,GM foods etc.


Basic physico chemical characterization of foods- pH, relative density, Evaporation, Boiling and Melting point, smoke point, surface tension, osmosis, humidity, freezing point and specific gravity, Colloids, food dispersions (sols, gels, emulsion, foam),

Module No. 3: Microbiological Safety of foods. 20

Importance and significance of microorganisms in food safety, intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the growth of micro organisms in food.


Food spoilage: characteristic features, sources, dynamics and significance of spoilage of different groups of foods – cereal and cereal products, vegetables and fruits, meat poultry and sea foods, milk and milk products, packed and canned foods.

3. Methods of food preservation: Physical methods, Irradiation, Chemical Preservatives – Advantages and disadvantages, Canning. 4

Food borne diseases: characteristics and incidence- global and Indian scenario, food poisoning and food intoxications of microbial origin, bacterial food borne diseases; viral food borne diseases; protozoa animal parasite food borne diseases; mycotoxicoses; mushroom poisoning; Emerging and re-emerging food borne diseases.

5. Case studies of recent outbreaks of food borne infections and intoxications. 2

Recent concerns on food safety of Genetically modified foods, Environmental release of GMOs. International rules and regulations in export and import of GMOs.

Module No. 4: Food Quality analysis  18

Food analysis: Introduction, functions of food analysts, Sampling and sample preparation, quality control of raw materials, in –process food control, quality control of finished products,


Compositional/Analytical evaluation of foods- Moisture and total solids, ash, crude fat, protein, carbohydrate, Vitamin, anti-nutritive, sensory active compounds, and natural toxic compounds


Microbiological analysis of foods: Bacteria, Fungi, yeast, other common pathogens associated with food spoilage.


Advanced laboratory techniques for detection of pesticide residues, toxicants, heavy metals, Processing contaminants(direct and indirect)

Food Quality Indices: Meat and meat products, fish and fish products, milk and dairy products, vegetables, fruits and their products, grain, pulses and oil seeds, coffee, tea and spices.

Module No.5: Food Quality Assurance 07

Food laboratories : accreditation of food laboratory, referral laboratories, hierarchy of food safety authorities,

2. International standards for quality assurance:



a)      GMP/ GHP, GLP, GAP,GVP


b)      Hazard analysis and critical control procedures (HACCP) – pre-requisites, principles and case studies


c)      ISO 9001 : 2000 – structure, clause –wise Interpretation and case studies


d)     ISO 22000 : 2005 – structure, clause –wise Interpretation and case studies

  • Graduation in Science with Chemistry/ Bio-chemistry/Biotechnology /Microbiology/ Life Science
  • Degree in allied sciences like Agriculture / Food Science and Technology / Post Harvest Technology / Home Sciences/ Life Sciences /Horticulture / Dairy Technology / Veterinary / Fisheries / Hotel Management and Catering / Hospitality Management etc.