B.ED ADMISSION OPEN 2025-27 SESSION FROM MDU/CRSU/KUK HARYANA, JIWAJI MP | NIOS Online Admission 2025-2026 For Class 10th / 12th
Delhi, Patna, Muzaffarpur Mon – Sun: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Bachelor of Science (ZBC)

This course offers an opportunity for a comprehensive training in identification of flora and fauna, cytogenetic, biodiversity, molecular genetics, biotechnology and cell biology with special reference to ecology, environment, forestry, green chemistry and industrial chemistry. It’s a three years course and comprises classroom lecturers, practical, outdoor field studies and excursions. Possible opportunities that open up after ZBC graduation are in the field of botanical survey, zoological survey, cellular physiology of plants and animals, ecobotany , florihorticulture, biotechnology, environment management and farm management like pisiculture, apiculture, sericulture, mushroom culture etc. The college is proud to have qualified experienced and dedicated faculty. The main motive of facultymembers isto inculcates a sense of logical and scientific reasoning among their students.

Eligibility :

10+2 science with biology with 45 % marks.